Uplifting Body
& Mind with
Agata Palmer


Uplift your Body & Mind.

All the work I offer is inspired by my own path of personal transformation over a period of more than 30 years. Recognising the profound benefits of various healing practices, I developed a portfolio of skills in which I trained to become a practitioner. I work holistically with every client whether I offer a touch therapy or a talking therapy.

NLP Coaching

Vision Boards


Holistic Therapy



Free Resources



Agata is great. After one session alone she helped me to change my whole outlook on life. The tools I have found with her have uses in pretty much all situations. After a few sessions I feel like I have really begun to develop myself and feel far more present and equipped to cope with the big things life brings up. I had never tried NLP before and Agata introduces and eases you in with great aplomb and a cool calm manner. She doesn’t promise you the world on a plate, but helps you find it yourself. I would highly recommended Agata to anyone who is in a spot of bother, and as a shining example of how to give a human face and heart to NLP.
— Alasdair Saksena